Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I attended an OSDL "Face to Face" meeting today here in Portland.

I could only attend part of it, but it was pretty interesting. I've been a believer in OSS for a long time. I see only a bright bright future for OSS. To put it short, OSS allows us all to accelerate innovation. We can take code that works and keep building up higher and higher in the stack. We don't have to keep re-implementing the same thing over and over again. We are only beginning to learn how powerful this concept is. There is a lot to come.

I'm going to GOSCON tomorrow and Friday.

Only thing not so fun about attending these conferences is I have to catch up on heaps of work at night. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, but the catching up on heaps of work at night is more than offset by being able to expense the trips to the strip clubs... Did I type that out loud?