Saturday, July 08, 2006

Web Services Panicscape Over Under

I commented on this on a couple blogs I read already, but I need to mention it here because I keep thinking about it. I came across it on Brenda Michelson's

Tell me that this isn't insane and has one iota of a prayer of making our lives integrating better.

This is madness.

One of the things I used to like to do was to set over unders for random things I encountered in my daily life - like I'm some sort of booky or something. My friends/co-workers would then place fake wagers on the over/under.

Sadly, I am going to set the over under for WS-* collapsing at 18 months. Too many software companies, integrators, etc. have too much invested ($$ and emotion) and too much to depreciate before we can get out from under this one.

If you are interested in placing a wager, please comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll put twenty bucks on the over.