Monday, May 19, 2008

CSI Public Health Open Source Project Annouced

I'm pretty proud to be involved in this project.

How often do you get to say this about the impact of your project?

When deployed, UT-NEDSS project will directly contribute to the prevention of sickness and death by effectively collecting, identifying, tracking and trending information gathered about infectious diseases and bioterrorism attacks. Additionally, this unique partnership is providing lessons for public health informatics on:

  • Open source software best practices
  • Lean Software Development practices
  • Building an open source community for a public health product
  • Contractual relations between public health entities and a commercial open source software company that support long-term product sustainability

We have a great team of folks working their hearts out on this. It truly is an honor to be part of the team.

I love moments like this - those strange joyous moments of clarity where anything seems possible in software.

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